Course Descriptions
REA 101 - Critical Reading
3 Credits
This course will help students strengthen their critical reading and thinking skills, improve their academic literacy, and expand their general knowledge across the disciplines, especially the Humanities. Students will read a variety of written, oral, visual, and cultural texts in order to improve their analytical, interpretive, and evaluative skills. Students will synthesize text in all its forms through a variety of thematic approaches (music, drugs, diversity, etc.) in order to develop new ideas and conclusions. They will apply these critical and evaluative skills through research, presentations, discourse, and written assignments. This course is recommended for all students.
REA 100 grade of C or better, TRS 200 with a grade of C or better, Accuplacer reading comprehension score of 81 or higher.
Learning Attributes: WR
Retiring SUNY General Education: SUNY-H - Humanities (SHUM)
MCC General Education: MCC-AH - Arts and Humanities (MAH), MCC-BCO - Speaking (MBCO), MCC-BCW - Writing (MBCW), MCC-CT - Critical Thinking (MCT)
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Analyze written or visual texts as expressions of the cultural contexts of the people who created them
2. Evaluate the importance of critical reading and thinking and its relevance to self, text, or world
3. Distinguish between the literal and figurative meanings of texts
4. Exhibit proficiency in the reading process by including evidence of one or more of the following: previewing, annotating, outlining, summarizing, or responding
5. Assess text accuracy, which could include evaluating for bias, stereotypes, validity, accuracy, or rhetorical devices.
6. Create new conclusions based on synthesis of texts
7. Employ discipline-specific documentation methodology
8. Analyze sophisticated text using the conventions of critical thinking, such as patterns of organization, hierarchical structures, repetition of key ideas, syntax, or diction
9. Practice proficiency in the reading process (scanning, annotation, summary, etc. )
10. Articulate mastery of analytic skills, such as the ability to assess text accuracy and validity, etc. bias, stereotypes, validity, etc.
11. Articulate mastery of evaluative skills, such as the ability to assess stereotypes, bias, etc.
12. Synthesize text to discover new ideas
13. Create new conclusions based on synthesis of text
14. Employ discipline-specific documentation methodology
15. Analyze sophisticated text using the conventions of critical thinking (patterns of organization, hierarchical structures, repetition of key ideas, syntax, diction, etc. )
Course Offered Fall, Spring
Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025